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Orchid and Flower Photography and Talks by Ron Parsons

California Cacti and Succulents

California has a wonderful array of both cacti and succulents within its borders. One would think they would largely occur in the Mojave and Colorado deserts, but we have many along our coast and inland mountain ranges. We are particularly blessed with not only cacti (Cactaceae), but also Dudleyas, Sedums and Parvisedums (Crassulaceae), Lewisias (Portulaceae), Agaves, Yuccas, and Nolinas (Agavaceae), and the Ocotillo (Foqueriaceae). This lecture features examples of all the above-mentioned groups with every photo taken in habitat.

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Dudleya cymosa

Sclerocactus polyancistrus

Lewisia rediviva

Echinocereus triglochidiatus