
Orchid and Flower Photography and Talks by Ron Parsons

Laelia (Hoffmannseggella) Species

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Hoffmannsegella blumenscheinii

Hoffmannsegella bradei?

Hoffmannsegella sp

Hoffmannsegella endzfeldii

Hoffmannsegella endzfeldii

Hoffmannsegella esalqueana

Hoffmannsegella flava

Hoffmannsegella itambana (?)

Hoffmannsegella itambana (?) 'Gold Country'

Hoffmannsegella kettieana

Hoffmannsegella x kleberi

Hoffmannsegella liliputiana

Hoffmannsegella mixta

Hoffmannsegella mixta

Hoffmannsegella reginae

Hoffmannsegella sp

Hoffmannsegella sp

Hoffmannsegella sp

Hoffmannsegella sp

All Photos on this page are ©Ron Parsons and can not be used without permission

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