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Orchid and Flower Photography and Talks by Ron Parsons

Orchid Links

More Links to Bromeliads, Cacti, Carnivorous Plants, Wildflowers, Botanical Gardens and General Botanical Information

Links to Orchid Societies

San Francisco Area

Need help repotting or vacation care for your orchids and rare plants (SF Bay Area)?

Orchid Events in the San Francisco Area

The Gold Coast Cymbidium Society has an up-to-date calendar of orchid events here

California Orchid Societies

Selected Orchid Vendors in California

  • Orchid Photography

    Orchid Societies in the Western United States

    Orchid Societies Near and Far

    Aerangis biloba

    Dendrophylax lindenii

    Plectrelminthus caudatus

    Links to Orchid Information

    Orchid Conservation

    Information on Genera/Alliances

    Orchids of Various Countries and Regions


    Australia and New Zealand

    South and Central America

    North America

    European Orchids

    African Orchids

    Databases, Searchable Indices, Bibliographies, Journals

    Orchid Forums, Cultural Information

    Botanical Books (including Orchids)

    Greenhouse Information

    All photographs on this website are © Ron Parsons and cannot be used for any purpose with out his permission. Please contact Ron if you require further information.

    This page last updated Wednesday, August 12, 2015

    Dendrobium helix

    Dendrobium farmeri

    Arachns flos-aeris